The 2020 US Congressional race here in the 13th District has been intense. The Miles of Greatness Fund stepped into the race to support Ronny Jackson, and we wanted to share our perspective with you as we all go to the polls on Tuesday.
Early on in this race, with Amarillo Matters’ and Mac’s support, Josh gathered up a pile of money and all the ‘important’ local endorsements. Amarillo Matters committed to drive support and manage voter perception, and Mac ‘ordained’ his chosen successor. They both aggressively discouraged Ronny from entering the race at all (not very American, in our opinion).
But Mac and the AM boys underestimated Ronny’s fierce, hard-working, never-say-die approach to a fight. And they also underestimated the smart, common-sense folks across the 13th District.
We started the Miles of Greatness Fund to bring attention to Ronny’s Panhandle values, his leadership and experience, and his amazing wife, Jane… and also to bring some balance to Josh’s overwhelming financial advantage.
The response has been incredible. People have literally exploded with support for Ronny as they’ve gotten to know him. Folks understand this isn’t just about agriculture or oil; immigration or healthcare. In these trying times, we are in a fight for the very soul of our country and we can’t let entrenched political activists do our choosing for us.
Ronny is a better leader for that fight… for everyone - from our incredible cattlemen/women to folks unemployed because of COVID-19. He gives all the people in the 13th District a more influential voice than we’ve likely ever had.
We will cast our vote for Ronny on Tuesday, and hope you’ll do the same.

Jerry Hodge

Alex Fairly

Harold Courson